Survey Menu
From the Survey Menu, you can start a survey, view survey history, manage certs, and manage survey templates. You can also return to the Main Menu using the button at the bottom of the screen.
Start Survey
This functionality is identical to the Start Survey section covered above.
Survey History
This functionality allows you to view information from previous surveys.
To view survey information, tap to highlight a survey from the list, then tap “Show.”
From the ensuing screen, you can view Template Details or view a Chart of the survey results.
Tap “Close” to return to the Survey History screen.
To filter the list by dates, tap “Dates” and set the desired begin and end dates.
To return to the Survey Menu, tap “Close.”
This functionality allows you to view Certs for the SDS and for the T/C wires in use.
Tap “Instrument Cert” to view the SDS cert information. This is view-only and cannot be edited.
Tap “Wire Certs” to view any wire cert information.
You can also toggle between using the instrument cert and using manual instrument offsets by tapping the appropriate button. The SDS comes loaded with offsets from its factory calibration, and these figures do not need to be manually entered.
When in Manual Offset mode, you will have the option to enter Manual Offsets. To enter an offset for an input, tap the desired input and enter the offset from the numeric keypad. To save changes, tap “Offsets OK” and to return to the menu without saving changes, tap “Cancel.” Note that these offsets will automatically reflect in survey reports.
Tap “Survey Menu” to return to the Survey Menu.
Survey Templates
This option allows you to view detailed information on any templates loaded to the SDS. This information is read-only, and changes to the template must be made in SDSReporter2.